The UAE is renowned for having the world’s most straightforward tax system, Here Value Added Tax (VAT) just underwent a historic transformation. This is seen as a significant revision to the VAT amendment laws in the country. The business community in the UAE and Dubai is preparing for a change. Nation has made this unique modification to make it simpler and more beneficial for locals and business owners.
Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced in UAE January 1st,2018, with a tax rate of 5% . Businesses set up in Dubai should work under this system. VAT is an indirect tax that fuels profitable corporate activities. In order for the government to check that your operations are running well, you must compile and keep a variety of accounts, company records, and tax records if you want to be registered under the VAT law. According to experienced auditors, tax experts, and accounting professionals, the installation of VAT in the UAE has had a significant long-term impact on the expansion of the UAE economy and enterprises.
Let’s check on how VAT effects on Setting up a Business in Dubai.
VAT is applicable regardless of whether your business is located on the Mainland or in a Freezone. Businesses in Dubai should strongly consider registering for VAT. However, this does not apply to products being transferred between specified zones.
VAT’s Impact on Businesses
Entrepreneurs must meticulously track their firm revenue, expenses, and VAT charges. VAT is charged to registered businesses’ consumers in order to total the charges made by their suppliers for goods and services. The balance must be paid to the government.
VAT-registered firms are required to charge VAT on taxable products and services they provide. They are entitled to a refund of any VAT paid on business-related items or services. They must preserve a variety of company documents that will allow the authorities to ensure that everything is in order.
VAT-registered enterprises are required to declare all VAT charges to the government. They must pay the difference to the government if they charged more VAT than they paid.
UAE government has made amendments to VAT after five years of VAT implementation. There are some important facts behind the VAT amendments. Let’s check it out.
The new amendment of Value Added Tax
1. Extended time period for Tax Audit
In general, a tax audit for a monthly or quarterly tax period cannot be carried out after five years have passed since the end of the tax period. If a taxpayer has been informed of the start of a tax audit within 5 years of notification, the actual audit can be done and/or finished within the next 4 years after such notification.
2. Tax evasion
A tax audit may be carried out in the case of tax evasion within 15 years of the conclusion of the tax period in question.
3. Positive news for exporters
The law exempts owners of 100% supplied businesses from ongoing VAT compliance. These companies have the opportunity to apply for a VAT registration exemption.
From first January 2023, the company who has already registered VAT could apply for tax exception. The business that has already registered for VAT may request a tax exemption as of January 1, 2023 VAT law change.
4. Additional adherence for input credit on service import
The rules have also been tightened. This includes adherence to additional input credit on import service. Many businesses pay their overseas service providers based on agreements rather than requiring the service providers to issue an invoice. According to recent changes in VAT laws, Input credit for the import of services can only be recovered if the taxpayer receives and retains invoices in accordance with the VAT laws.
5. Retention fees and the construction industry
VAT may become due if the interval between the successive milestones of delivery of goods or services and retention payment claims exceeds 12 months.
A one-year expiration date from the day the goods or services were given has now been included as a particular date of supply for VAT purposes. This should be very useful fir a construction business set up in Dubai.
6. VAT on Authorized supplies to linked parties
Prior to the enactment of the new regulations, deemed supplies, such as the free delivery of products to relatives, might have resulted in a VAT liability.
According to the revised VAT legislation, a firm may not be liable for VAT on FOC products or services provided to related parties if the recipient company is otherwise allowed to recover 100% of its input costs.
These are the major factors that affected after VAT law amendment. Let’s look upon the major change that is going to happen after the regulation of tax law.
The UAE Ministry of Finance has brought amendments to Federal Order No. 8 of 2017 related to value-added tax. It has been announced that amendments have been made to previous years’ legislation on taxation in line with international best practices relating to VAT and the Uniform GCC Tax.
If a business establishment is currently registered under the VAT system and exclusively deals in zero VAT or non-VAT taxable products and services, it can petition for exemption from VAT registration under the legislation. VAT is not levied on Exports, Educational services, Health care services, or Dwelling rent. Because of the VAT reforms, business setup in Dubai is currently seeing a strong chance in various business sectors, particularly exporting businesses. The changes made in the new amendment includes fixing the time limit for submission of the tax credit note to 14 days for the tax payable based on the deadline of the invoice. Under the new amendment, the Federal Tax Authority will also be empowered to compulsorily cancelling the registration of the company. The new law amendment also provides more clarity on matters, including the definition of tax.
Let’s point out the changes for more details of VAT amendment
- Registered people who make taxable supplies may request an exemption from VAT registration if all of their supplies are zero-rated or if they no longer make any other supplies. It greatly facilitates the establishment of firms in Dubai.
- Setting a 14-day deadline for sending a tax credit note to settle output tax, in accordance with the deadline for issuing tax bills.
- If considered necessary, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) may forcefully deregister registered people.
- The VAT rate, which remains steady at 5%, has not been adjusted.
The business environment in Dubai is conducive to growth. People are drawn to do business in Dubai because of tax changes that benefit businesses. Because to the tax cut for zero-rated items, the export industry is doing well.
In light of the GCC Unified VAT Agreement, the adjustments were made in accordance with worldwide best practices. According to the ministry, the changes are based on previous experiences, issues experienced by various economic sectors, and recommendations received from relevant parties.
The UAE seeks to alter its laws and regulations in order to make the country a better location to do business and reside. These changes to the tax legislation make it easier and more comfortable for company formation in Dubai. So don’t wait any longer; start your business in Dubai right now. For further information, feel free to contact us.