What are the processes for trademark registration in Dubai 2024?

Trademark registration in Dubai

Trademark registration in Dubai is crucial for securing your brand identity and ensuring legal protection. A trademark functions as a unique signature exclusively linked to your business, preventing imitation or theft. This understanding is crucial for lawyers, entrepreneurs, and anyone involved in establishing a business setup in Dubai.

If you’re unsure about navigating the trademark registration process, fear not. Marqueway Business Setup Consultants in Dubai can provide valuable insights and expert guidance at every step until your trademark is securely registered. However, it’s crucial to have a basic understanding of the trademark registration procedures in Dubai. In today’s blog, we will cover the critical procedures involved in it. Read on to enhance your knowledge.

What is a trademark?

A trademark, whether it’s a name, caption, or logo, is the face of your brand. Your business will be projected with this trademark, thus distinguishing you from other brands. Since it is only defined for you, no one can copy it or misuse it without explicit purpose. The Ministry of Economy takes care of the official procedures of trademark registration.

How to register trademark in Dubai?

The process of registering a trademark is simple, but once we initiate the procedures, there is no scope for any errors. Even a minute mistake could lead to the rejection of the trademark. The federal laws of the United Arab Emirates are stringent, and adherence is crucial for your own good. The timeframe to register a trademark is approximately 6 months, and there are 6 steps to follow.

6 steps of trademark registration in Dubai

1)Trademark research

Before starting the procedures for trademark registration, it’s important to clarify that the selected one is not already taken by any brands. If it is found to be identical to an existing one, you need to change it and propose a fresh one. So, it is better to conduct research before stepping into it. Also, finding a catchy logo or caption is as important as the plan of action. This will constantly be the face of your brand.

2)Application Process

After researching and confirming the trademark, you can move on with the application process. For that, you need to download an application from the Ministry of Economics website and fill out the details correctly. The application must include the details of the applicant, a clear representation of the trademark, a list of services, and the necessary documents that need to be attached to it. The documents needed for trademark registration in Dubai are:

  • Power of Attorney
  • Trading License
  • Contact Details of the Applicant
  • Image of Trademark or Logo
  • ID or Passport of the Applicant
  • List of Goods and Services to be Protected
  • Translation of Words Used
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3)Payment of fees with the application

The application, along with the payment should be submitted through the portal of UAE Ministry of Economics. The fees to be paid will be around AED6500, excluding the internal fees and the translation amount if needed. Furthermore, make sure that the amount paid is correct along with the proper application.

4)Scrutiny by Ministry of Economics

The next step is entirely up to MOE. The Ministry will ensure that the application is accurate and the documents submitted are valid. If everything is right, they will publish it in the gazette. The evaluation of your trademark registration will take around 30 days to complete.

5)Publish it on the Newspaper

Following the publication of a trademark, a specific timeframe is allocated during which any concerned party can raise objections to the trademark registration in Dubai. Should no opposition be asserted within the stipulated period, the process advances to the subsequent stage. Additionally, the endorsed trademark is required to be featured in two local Arabic-language newspapers. Individuals with objections to the trademark must submit them within 30 days from the release of the application.

6)Completion of Registration

Upon the lapse of the specified time without any objections to the trademark, the Ministry of Economic will grant you with a registration certificate. This certificate will include details such as the registration number, application date, business name, owner’s name, the trademark itself, and a description of the associated products, goods, and services.

To secure the registration of your trademark, you need to follow these six essential steps. After successful registration, the trademark remains valid for ten years, with the option of renewal after a specific period. It is important to note that this registration exclusively safeguards your trademark within the UAE and does not extend beyond the country’s borders.

Why should you register your trademark with Marqueway?

Finding the top business consultant is always the best move for registering a trademark. Talking about the best, Marqueway, with almost five years of experience in the field, has successfully served thousands of brands in securing their trademarks easily. The steps mentioned above may seem easy, but when you get into the real scenario, a single mistake could end up causing significant trouble.

So, having a business consultant, especially like Marqueway, could eventually help you save a lot of time and avoid almost all trouble. Furthermore, you can concentrate on your business rather than dealing with the procedures. Don’t wait; if you are looking for trademark registration in Dubai in 2024, call us. 

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